Imagine coming home after a hard day of work and be welcomed by Sapphire Blue who put on her most seductive set of lingerie and just being the beginning of a very pleasant evening... Gallery.
Sapphire in lingerie

Imagine coming home after a hard day of work and be welcomed by Sapphire Blue who put on her most seductive set of lingerie and just being the beginning of a very pleasant evening... Gallery.
Orange lingerie isn't a thing you see very often. Another thing you don't see much is a girl who's really skinny and still is busty. These two ingredients come togehter is this shoot of Alice Brooks for Hayley's Secrets.
We meet slender British brunette Cara Ruby in the bedroom of Hayley's Secrets (her debut shoot for that site). That white transparent bodystocking is a great appetizer and I envy the man who's lucky enough to get to see that in real life... Gallery.
I would never be a good photographer that's for sure. How are you supposed to stay calm and focus on your shooting skills when you have a naked Joey Fisher right in front of you is? Don't get me wrong I never would harass her or any other women but keeping my hands steady is a different story. Ah well maybe you get used to everything... Gallery.
Imagine opening the door and find Ellie aka Sarah Turner waiting for you on the couch wearing a mesh bodystocking. She welcomes you and says: "Hi honey I've been waiting for you to, shall I pour a glass of wine for you or would you like to o skip to foreplay and get naked ". -daydream modus off -.... Gallery.
It's been a while since we saw Lacey Banghard. So it's good to meet this British cutie with an exotic touch again here at Haley's Secrets. She wears her blouse unbuttoned, takes her bra off and then put her blouse back on again. Excellent choice.
On location in Portugal (Hayley's Secrets understands that sunny locations bring up the best in girls) slender Alice Brookes takes off her shirt (or is it a short dress?) and grants us a full frontal view on her perky big breasts. Thanks for that Aliice... Gallery.
You might remember that British model Sapphire Blue seriosuly slimmed down and that wasn't good news for the size of her big boobs. With that being said she looks here going for a swm and taking off her bikini for Hayley's Secrets. And this isn't the first time we're in this indoor pool, we've been there before with Joey Fisher, Magda and Lacey Banghard.
The last thing I want is to sound ungrateful. I love the content of Joey Fisher at Hayley's Secrets but I feel like there's room for improvement with this one. A few suggestions: the sweater should be a little tighter and even more important of a darker colour, that gives more contrast and accentuates her big breasts better. May I should become a sweater shoot consultant, I offer my services for free :)
The first thing I wondered when seeing these pictures was: Is that basketball small or are the boobs of Joey Fisher so big? Both answers are correct :) This is a 'play at home' kind of basketball game that our favourite British brunette plays (but not before she takes everything off first). Well Joey if you ever get bored of playing alone let me know, I would love to do a 'one on one'! Basketball with Joey Fisher.
As you may have noticed yourself my site was down for several hours. I used that time to clean-up and re-organize my hard drive (I collect busty content like a squirrel collects nuts you see). While doing that I stumbled upon a shoot of Joey Fisher at Hayley's Secrets that I never used before. So let's make something good out of bad situation and admire the divine breasts of Joey Fisher in the garden.